Capture, Process & Sign

Bringing together world class process automation with the power of e-signature

Adoption rates on e-signature are growing at an alarming rate as organizations realize that the Y generation does not do paper or wet signatures. Yet, many organizations struggle to get a true solution in place. “Capture Process Sign” unifies forms, workflow and e-sign into a true solution, allowing organisations to capitalize with scale on this growing opportunity.

Traditional signature methods may have been fine for the baby boom population but they are no longer suitable for our evolving workforce. Organizations are scrambling to optimize e-sign solutions but there is much confusion on how to begin and how to scale. Capture Process Sign unifies how we work into a solution bundle that can grow with increased demand.

Prime deliverables include:

  • Program governance and maturity framework
  • Fragment analysis for form conversion
  • Migration from legacy forms solution
  • Design and development of schema and templates
  • Work flow development and integration with back-end systems