AEP Standard Implementation Offering

Unlock Adobe AEP: Fast-track setup, live use case!

Our solution is tailored for companies seeking to revolutionize their data utilization and marketing strategies with Adobe Experience Platform (AEP). With our trio of standardized offerings, clients can select the package that best suits their needs, each accompanied by a promise of swift implementation and tangible results.

Choose from three distinct variants:

  1. The Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform (RT-CDP) package lays the foundation for enhanced data management capabilities.
  2. Elevate your strategy with our combination package, integrating Adobe RT-CDP with Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) for seamless customer journey orchestration.
  3. Opt for our comprehensive solution, which includes Adobe RT-CDP, Adobe AJO (Adobe Journey Optimizer), and Customer Journey Analytics (CJA), for unparalleled insights and optimization.

Regardless of the chosen package, clients benefit from our commitment to delivering results. Upon implementation, every client receives a running Use Case, such as Abandoned Conversion, ensuring immediate impact on their business objectives. Our experts work tirelessly to ensure seamless deployment and ongoing support, positioning clients for success in the digital landscape. As pioneers in AEP deployment and Adobe AEP partners from day one, we bring unmatched expertise to every project, empowering businesses to thrive in the era of customer-centric marketing.

This solution is ideal for these customers:
Key stakeholders, including marketing executives, data analysts, and IT leaders, benefit from our solution. Marketing executives gain enhanced customer insights for targeted campaigns, data analysts leverage comprehensive data management tools, and IT leaders ensure seamless integration. They need this solution for its expertise and rapid deployment capabilities, ensuring a swift go-to-market for use cases in a complex technology landscape.